Some days are harder than others, but I'm doing better every day.
I was looking through some old pictures the other day and I was reminded of how broken I still am. Seeing photos of my old home, my old family, my old life really hit me hard and made me realize that as happy as I am, I'm still grieving on some level. I'm still patching up my shattered heart.
I'm so glad I decided to go to a new place to heal. I'm not sure if I would have been able to heal back home.
Sometimes it seems like such a slow process, but sometimes I feel like I've come a long way in a short amount of time. I'm completely taken aback when I think about the person I used to be. It's as though she was a different person entirely. I suppose she was. I'm actually beginning to like the person I have become. It's a nice feeling.
I went on my first date in almost 9 years. It went well, until I mentioned that I had been a lesbian for the past decade. He never called me again. That kinda hurt, but if someone can't accept and adore me just as I am, I don't want them. I met a couple other guys, but they were both pretty... meh.
I'm waiting for someone to impress me. Not that I'm entirely ready to actually date, but I deserve to be impressed. I'm not talking flowers and jewelry and dinners (though they would be nice!)... but actions, demeanor, ethics, manners. I can only think of one person who has really impressed me in the last few years, but that's a story for another day.
I was accepted into a volunteer position at the Denver Dumb Friends League as a Pet Grooming Specialist! I worked my first shift, and it was awesome! doggydoggydoggy! They will teach me to groom, and I can use that knowledge to offer mobile grooming services!
I'll be getting interwebs at home this weekend, so I'll be able to do interwebby things more, and not this disjointed, 5 words at a time shit while I'm at work. :P
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